About Me

My name is Megan and I am very concerned about how reliant we’ve all become on processed foods.  I’m a very overweight single mum who has been trying for years to lose weight.  I know I can lose weight when I eat whole foods as opposed to processed crap so rather than going on a “diet” I’m going to do a lifestyle change in stages.  In 2012 I took action against my weight issues and joined Michelle Bridge’s 12WBT.  I did really well and lost 18kg in 18 weeks but a couple of hiccups in my life and I let it go, and over the past 15 months have put it all back on.  

To say I’m disappointed in myself is an understatement but I need to take control back.  Whilst I was on 12WBT I was planning my meals, eating 1200 calories per day, eating a lot less processed food and more fresh foods, and was exercising.  I’ve let the majority of this go.  I do mostly succeed in serving meals up each day that I cook from scratch and that incorporate fresh produce but takeaways, ice-cream, crisps, chocolates, and other processed foods have all snuck back in as well.  I was feeling so much better when I was eating clean and I need to get that feeling back.

So what I’ve decided to do is use all the skills and knowledge I acquired to recommence the “lifestyle change” I started in 2012.  I am going to blog about my journey here.  I am going to take this journey in stages because I want to not only eat clean, I want to move to a lifestyle much less reliant on processed food and much more reliant on whole foods.  I know if I make small changes each week that it is more likely to “stick” than if I try to change everything all at once.

Recently I came across a great blog that has really inspired me to commence this journey.  The website is 100 Days of Real Food and is the brainchild of Lisa Leake.  She has a number of different programs you can follow including her 100 Day Pledge, her 100 Days on a Budget, and 100 Days of Mini-Pledges.  After reading through the plethora of information on this I’ve decided to start her 100 Days of Mini-Pledges which is a slower, step-by-step process of her 100 Day Pledge.  Lisa started her initial 100 Days of Real Food just as a challenge to her and her family to eat real food for 100 days and it soon was clear she had a following.  People started asking her if it could be done on a budget so she ran a poll to get the figure and she stuck to that figure and 100 Days on a Budget was born.  She proved it could be done in America but I would like to do this to get an Australian perspective on whether you can eat real food on a budget here.

So I will commence her 100 Days of Mini-Pledges which is a weekly step-by-step program to eating more whole foods but I will up the anti and do mine, from the start on a budget  My reality as a single mum is that I do have a food budget that isn’t huge and I need to make the most of the money that I have.  So I will attempt to feed myself and my two children (15 year old girl and 10 year old boy) on $100 per week gradually incorporating more whole foods.

Hope to chat with you soon.


Founder of therealbite.com

Email: megan@therealbite.com

One comment

  1. Casarellapa says:

    Hey, thanks for the blog article.Thanks Again. Really Great.

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