End of Week 7

Well as I expected I struggled to find whole-grain flour this week.  I honestly have no idea where to source this in Brisbane for a reasonable price.  If anyone has any suggestions I’m open to hearing them.

However, whilst this week wasn’t entirely whole-grain we did have a brown rice meal and I did source the “best” of the supermarket bread to use for meals.  We had the threat of a large amount of rain following cyclone Marcia this weekend and it has been really wet since Friday.  I actually kept my daughter home from school as with the weather reports I wasn’t sure she’d be able to safely make it back home in the afternoon.  This lead to us having a lazy, wet day which was lovely as I had to work dayshifts yesterday and today.

real food-whole-grains-fresh-processed

Image courtesy of tiramisustudio/freedigitalphotos.net

One of the pluses of the rain on Friday was the much cooler weather and I decided to try making tomato soup from scratch.  I found this Tomato Soup Recipe on Pinterest earlier in the week and whilst I’ve never been a fan of tinned tomato soup – I find it very fake – I thought I’d like to try a real food version.  It turned out delicious although mine was slightly runnier than the picture on the recipe.  However, teamed with toastie cheese sandwiches this was a huge hit with the three of us. So whilst I didn’t truly have a whole-grain week I did find a real food substitute for the fake tinned tomato soup – that has to count for something 😉

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