I haven’t kept up with posting regularly to this site and it’s been over two years since my last post. I will admit that at times over that two years I have been shocking with my eating and put on the weight I had lost in 2012. So I am here again to start eating right.

Image courtesy of StuartMiles/freedigitalphotos.net
In December 2015 my blood pressure was through the roof and my doctor told me to lose weight or be in hospital. So I got my head in the game and dropped 20kg between the beginning of December 2015 and April 2016. I struggled for the rest of last year with my dad being seriously ill and in hospital for half the year. Whilst he was ill we had my grandma ill in another hospital and we finally brought her home on Palliative Care in May 2016 and she passed away with the family surrounding her four days later.
To say these events impacted on me emotionally and my attitude to food is an understatement. I kept gaining and losing the same 4kg for months. In November we went on a cruise and I only put 2kg on and lost it within a week at home exercising and eating sensibly. However, upon my return to work after my holidays there was a lot of things going on and the stress levels were high. With Christmas, New Year and my birthday thrown in I totally let myself go again putting on 8kg of the hard lost weight! THIS STOPS NOW!

Image courtesy of DaniloRizzuti/freedigitalphotos.net
So I will be blogging my way back to health. I’ve stopped exercising. I’ve stopped eating well. I’ve been allowing too much processed food to come in the house again for convenience. I feel horrible. I felt so energised last year with the right foods and the exercise. Even on the cruise I tried to make healthy choices however I kept up the exercise by going on a walk around the deck each morning and then using the stairs 90% of the time rather than the elevator.
So starting today I am back on track. I will go back and revisit the first weeks of the 100 Days of Real Food Challenge. A number of the things from the first few weeks of the challenge I am still doing, it’s just I am indulging in too many processed snacks and takeaway meals. I need to start following the reduction in processed food and takeaway not only for my health but for my wallet.
So revisiting Week 1:
“Eat a minimum of two different fruits or vegetables (preferably organic) with every breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal.”

Image courtesy of tiramisustudio/freedigitalphotos.net
I have my meals prepped for work tomorrow. Breakfast is homemade muesli with seeds and nuts. Lunch is homemade tomato soup with fresh bakery bread. Snacks are grapes and almonds. Dinner will be Lisa’s refried beans and salad wraps toasted.