Week 5 Update

Well we’ve tried our two new whole foods tonight – fresh coconut and pomegranate.  I’ve had both along time ago as a kid so thought it was a good time to re-acquaint myself with them.  My son and I were picking up fresh fruit and vegetables and I asked him to choose something he hadn’t tried before and he chose the fresh coconut.

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Image courtesy of Mister GC/freedigitalphotos.net

My daughter had tried fresh coconut previously but my son hadn’t. I now fully understand why I have never bought fresh coconuts – that was an event to get into it, although my daughter enjoyed bashing it with a hammer!  I now know why they’re good for you, because you use more calories getting into them they you get from eating them.  My daughter loved it, I loved it, but my son didn’t.  He tried the coconut milk and fresh coconut but didn’t like it. As he is my child who is more adventurous with trying new foods I’m cool with that.  I did suggest to him that we grate it and put it in our overnight oats with some raspberries and see how that goes and he was agreeable to that.

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Image courtesy of adamr/freedigitalphotos.net


The pomegranate wasn’t how I remembered it – isn’t it strange how things seem so much different when you’re older?  I remember having a tree at some point in my childhood and picking and eating them.  We all liked the pomegranate although I wouldn’t be able to eat a whole fruit on its own.  Maybe I should have it in a fruit salad or add to some greek yoghurt.

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