Week 2 (14 weeks of mini-pledges)

Beverages will be limited to coffee, tea, water, and milk (only naturally sweetened with a little honey or 100% pure maple syrup). One cup of juice will be allowed throughout the week, and wine will be allowed in moderation (an average of one drink per day)


Image courtesy of num_skyman/freedigitalphotos.net

Image courtesy of num_skyman/freedigitalphotos.net

This weeks challenge is also going to be fairly easy for us.  The only drinks routinely on offer in our house are water, milk, tea, and coffee.  I don’t use any form of sweetener in my coffee and I don’t drink wine.  Juice is a yearly treat for Christmas breakfast for the kids and I try to limit their soft drink intake to birthday parties only.


I’m also conscious of always taking a water bottle with us when we go out.  I have a number of stainless steel water bottles in the fridge to just grab and go.  I also have extra bottles of water, ice bricks and an esky for easy access for long days out.





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