Week 4 (14 weeks of mini-pledges)
No fast food or any foods that have been deep-fried in oil.
This challenge is one I’m going to have to be very conscious of. I have a bad habit of turning to take away when we are running late instead of making something healthy from the fridge or reheating a meal I’ve frozen. It’s an expensive habit but one I really want to break.
To do this challenge properly I will need to make sure that I plan ahead. I will need to menu plan – a habit I used to do but have fallen into bad habits of just grabbing rubbish. This year I have been consciously trying to make changes by following these challenges and doing it at a slow pace instead of trying to make rapid changes as I find that harder to do.
My Commitment for this week
- Recommence menu planning
- Prepare meals when I have time for ease of cooking later in the day
- Cook meals ahead of time to reheat later
- Pack snacks and meals for when we are out and about
In regards to last weeks challenge of purchasing meet within 160km of where it was raised – I haven’t purchased any meat this week and just eaten the meat we’ve had on hand, although we didn’t eat many meals with meat anyhow.