The End of Week 2

Well this week has gone very well also.  I’ve continued to be very conscious of what drinks I am consuming and what I give my children.  I ensure that we always have water on hand when we go out and take an esky to keep it cool.  I must admit I love my water nice and cold and struggle, especially in Summer, to drink it straight from the tap.

real food-water-processed

Image courtesy of suphakit73/



I have an earthenware water filter on my kitchen bench that I fill our bottles up from and leave in the fridge to cool.  In Winter the water from it is lovely and drinkable but in Summer it is still too warm for my liking.  Having the water on the bench for easy access means the kids regularly run in from outside to get a drink straight from there.  It really encourages them to drink.  Now if I could just get them to remember to fill it up so it doesn’t run out……..


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